Cloud Command is a backend interface that gives you more advanced
control over the operations of your virtual private server. From Cloud
Command you can manage power options, reset your root password, access
the server directly via...
There are many options available to you if you're looking to do a
backup of your virtual private server or dedicated server. Read on to
find out what your options are and how you can make sure all your
content is backed up in case of an emergency!
We recommend performing some simple upkeep to your VPS occasionally to
make sure it's running in tip-top shape. Below are some guidelines and
tips to help you get the most of your robust VPS.
Keeping track of Disk Usage on your VPS is an imp...
The time zone used on your Linux system is set in the '/etc/localtime'
file. To replace the file with the correct time zone file for the time
zone you need:
Make a backup of the existing localtime file mv /etc/localtime
CLOUD VIP BOOST is an add-on product you can purchase within your
Customer Area that allows you to receive increased CPU and disk
performance for a nominal fee per month. Cloud VIP Boost improves
overall performance on your virtual machine through higher ...
While not required, each domain you want to host should have an
account package assigned to it. This sets limits such as disk space,
bandwidth, number of add-on domains, etc. This is used primarily for
hosting customer sit...
The Developer VPS is simply a VPS with CentOS Linux and no control
panel. The name 'Developer' was chosen to distinguish it from other
VPSes in that more basic Linux/Unix experience is expected.
Setup an HTTP/IMAP/SMTP/DNS/SSH server on Developer V...
This article describes installing ClamAV
[http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/] on a VPS or Dedicated server with
The process is very simple, to install ClamAV follow the steps below:
Log in to WHM
This guide will walk you through installing CSF on a VPS or Dedicated
After logging in via SSH (as root!) we will need to download the CSF
firewall itself, let's make a temporary directory called 'tmp'. Then
move into it and ...
This guide will walk you through installing LMD (Linux Malware Detect)
on your VPS/Dedicated server:
You will need to be logged in as ROOT to the server over SSH
Create a temporary directory and navigate into it
Download the latest rele...
By default, all cPanel URLs use un-ecrypted, plain text password
authentication. This includes WHM, cPanel and Webmail. To use the
secure ports, you can use https with the secure port number. However,
this requires a little bit of preliminary set up in WH...
You can create individual account backups from with cPanel by going to
Backups, then Generate/Download a Full Backup. This creates a cPanel
backup package, usually labeled something like:
This fi...
Virtualization, in computing, refers to the act of creating a virtual
(rather than actual) version of something, including but not limited
to a virtual computer hardware platform, operating system (OS),
storage device, or computer network ...
To troubleshoot an issue with your VPS, use the following resources.
cpsrvd - cPanel Main daemon
cpanellogd - Stats processing daemon
tailwatchd - Daemon that handles eximstats - cPBandwd - chksrvd -
cpdavd - webdav...
Simply open a chat [https://chat.asmallorange.com] to the Billing
department and let them know the plan you would like to upgrade to.
They will take care of the whole thing!
If you have a VPS with cPanel installed, see below! There are a ton of
links to how-tos, tips and tricks, etc.
_NOTE: if you have a Developer VPS, please visit the Developer VPS
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