Knowledgebase: Our Policies
Set up Recurring PayPal Payments
Posted by on 02 July 2012 04:21 PM

PayPal Subscriptions are a great way to set up recurring payments without a credit card. PayPal Subscriptions are a recurring billing feature, allowing your PayPal account to schedule payments to be sent automatically on a fixed schedule.

Setup a PayPal Subscription

  1. Login to your Customer Area

  2. Click on "My Invoices" under Quick Links on the left

  3. Click on UNPAID to the right of your unpaid invoice

  4. Choose "PayPal" from the payment method options

  5. Click the "PayPal Subscribe" button

Why did you automatically charge my PayPal account?

While you use one of our invoices to create the subscription, our system is separate from PayPal's. We do not charge your PayPal account. A subscription means you are telling your PayPal account to send us money every billing cycle. If you ever downgrade/upgrade or cancel your account with us, you will still need to cancel your PayPal subscription. Otherwise, it will continue to send us payments.

Note: It's not possible to edit subscriptions. If you need to change the dollar amount of your payment, you need to cancel the first subscription and create a new one for the correct amount.

Also, make sure you start the subscription early enough to make timely payments. Subscriptions start paying the day of the month AFTER you start them. For example, if you started a monthly subscription on September 4th, it would make a payment Sept 4th, Oct 5th, Nov 5th, Dec 5th and so on. So you'll want to start the subscription soon after the invoice generates so your payments are not constantly late.

When a subscription is set up, it instructs PayPal to send a designated amount of money on the same day each month. This is closer to an automatic "bill pay" service. If you upgrade or cancel your hosting service, your subscription isn't affected.

In these cases, you may need to log in to PayPal and cancel the subscription:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account

  2. Click the History tab

  3. Choose the Subscriptions field from the Show drop-down menu

  4. Check the From box and change the date back 2 years

  5. Click Search

  6. To view the details of a specific Subscription Creation, click Details in the Details column

  7. At the bottom of this page, click Cancel Subscription

  8. On the confirmation page, click Cancel Subscription again 

If you cancel service and find that a subscription payment was still sent, or otherwise overpay because of a subscription payment, please open a chat with our Live Support team. We'll be happy to resolve the issue and refund the payment as necessary.

If you need to cancel your PayPal subscription, see how in our 'Cancel Your PayPal Subscriptions' article.

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