Now you have your store all set up, you can start configuring shipping options for your customers based on their location, the amount of money they're spending or the total weight of their order. It's easy to do all of that (believe it!) right from the Shipping section of your Store Settings. To manage your store's shipping options:
Make sure you're logged in, and within the Store tab of the website you want to add products to
​Click Settings, from the left-hand sidebar
Click Shipping, again from the left-hand sidebar
Click the Add Location button on the right to add a location
A dialog box will open where you can select individual countries or regions. You can set up multiple options, and customers will only see the ones that apply to their location when they go to checkout.
Toggle between the Countries and Regions options, and even search for a country or region in the search box near the top
Once you've selected all the region options you desire (and all those options are ticked as shown below) click the Add button You'll see something similar to this after you add locations...
Underneath each country/region option you added, click the '+ Add Rate' link
Add a Shipping Title as specified, like USPS or Fed Ex 3 Day or similar
In the Based On: field, select to either base the shipping price on the weight or price of the item by clicking one or the other
Add a weight or shipping range, depending on which Based On option you chose
In the Shipping Price field add your price for that option In the following example we've set up shipping for USPS Priority Mail that costs $7.95 if the weight of the order is between zero and ten pounds.
Click the Edit Subregions button to further define your shipping options per state/region
When you're done, click the Save button In our case, we saved a US shipping option for any customer whose total order is less than ten pounds.
But what about customers who submit orders weighing more than ten pounds? We gotta add a rate for them too!
Follow steps 8-14 to add rates for over ten pound orders
You can add as many different rates and options to each country or region as you need. You can even provide free shipping options for customers who spend over a certain amount of money with you.
Customers will only see the selections that apply to them based on their location, if their order matches the price or weight rules that you created.