You don't have to edit and manage your new Weebly site all on your own... you can add users/editors to your account really easily.

To add a user/editor to your site:

  1. Log into Weebly and navigate to the website you want to add a user to

  2. Click the Settings tab, located in the top toolbar

  3. From the left-hand sidebar, click Editors

    This will bring up a screen where you can invite other people to be able to log in and edit the site. 

  4. Click the Add Editor button near the top right of the Editors section to bring up the Add Editors toolbox 

  5. Enter the email addresses of the people you'd like to invite to be a user on your site

    If you're adding more than one user, separate the email addresses with a comma. You can invite more users later, whenever you want. 

  6. If you have a Pro Server Account you can assign Roles, which limit which parts of the site that person can edit, to invitees 

    • Administrator - can edit all pages and access all stats, form entries, and blog comments; free users (not paid plan users) can only invite users to their site in an administrative role, as assigning other roles is a Pro User plan feature

    • Author - can be limited to editing only specific pages of your choosing by ticking the box next to each page you want them to edit
      Note: you can also disable their access to publish changes to the site from this pane.

    • Dashboard-only Access - cannot edit the site but can view stats, form entries and blog posts (you can disable their access to any of that information as well)​

  7. Enter a message to be included in the email invitation that gets sent to your new user(s)

  8. Click the Save Editor button, near the bottom

Your invitees will receive an email that includes a link that they'll need to click in order to access your site. 

Once they click the link they'll see your site as part of a separate list from their own sites (even if they don't have any of their own sites) within their account. They can access or edit the site based on the role you've assigned them. 

All the people you invite are placed on a list under the same Editors section found under Settings. You can change their Role or completely remove their access at any time via this list.