Knowledgebase: Weebly
Add or Edit Pages on Your Weebly Site
Posted by ASO Admin on 19 February 2020 11:20 AM

By default, your Weebly website comes stocked with three default pages. You can rename or delete those pages as you wish, and you can create more pages for whatever sort of content you want.

Create and Arrange New Pages
Configure Newly Added Pages
Create Subpages
Delete Pages
Copy Pages
​Change the Page Theme

Create and Arrange New Pages

To add a new page to your site:

  1. Log into your Weebly account

  2. ​Navigate to the site you want to edit (this is only relevant if you have multiple Weebly websites)

  3. Click Pages at the top of the screen

  4. Click the Add Page button in the left-hand sidebar

  5. You'll be prompted to create a Standard Page, a Blog Page or an External Link; choose your page of choice (mostly you'll choose the Standard Page option) 

    Selecting the Standard Page option adds a new page to your pages list, shown in the left-hand sidebar. 

  6. Add more pages lickety-split by clicking the Add Page button, and choosing Standard Page 

    As you add and name each of your pages, they'll automatically become part of your site's navigation bar. 

  7. Re-arrange the order of the pages by clicking and dragging them up and down the Pages list (dragging a page to the top of the list will make that page your Home page)

    The Home page can be renamed to whatever you want, like Welcome, shown here. Changing the order of pages in the list will change the order in which they're displayed in your navigation bar 

Configure Newly Added Pages

So, you've created pages for your site. You can also customize them a bit, by choosing the page layout, page title, it's visibility and more.

To configure a newly added page:

  1. Make sure you are within your Pages edit screen (Pages at the top)

  2. Click on the page in the left-hand sidebar you want to edit

    In the Edit Page pane on the right, you'll be presented with lots of options. 

  3. Give your page a name and tick the 'Hide page in navigation' option if you don't want to see it in your top navigation menu

  4. Choose a general page layout from the icons presented

  5. Lockdown your site's access if desired in the Visibility dropdown

  6. Click the plus sign adjacent to Advanced Settings to get access to change the site's title, description, meta keywords and header and footer appearance (by entering some custom HTML code) 

  7. Tick the 'Hide this page from search engines' option if you don't want Google and Bing to pick up on your site

  8. When you're done making changes click the Save & Edit button near the bottom of the page; you'll be directed to that page to edit but you can click out of it to the Pages tab again if desired

Create Subpages

You can also create subpages, which reside as a child to one of your parent pages.

To create a subpage:

  1. Make sure you are within your Pages edit screen (Pages at the top)

  2. Drag a page from the left-hand side page menu underneath and slightly to the right 

    These subpages appear in a drop-down menu on the front end of your website when you scroll over the page to which you connected them. 

    To edit the content of a page just click on its link from the navigation menu or go to the Pages tab at the top, select the page from the list and click the Edit Page button.  

​Delete Pages

To delete a page from your site:

  1. Make sure you are within your Pages edit screen (Pages at the top)

  2. ​Click the name of the page that you want to delete from the left-hand sidebar

  3. Click the Delete Page button at the bottom of the screen

​​Copy Pages

To copy a page on your site to use:

  1. Again, make sure you're on the Pages edit screen (click Pages at the top)

  2. Click the name of the page you want to copy from the left-hand sidebar 

  3. Click the Copy Page button, near the bottom right corner of the screen 

    This will generate a new page at the bottom of your list of pages with the same name as the original page.

  4. Give your page a different Page Name, and configure the rest of the page settings like outlined in the Configure Newly Added Pages section above

  5. Click the Save & Edit button to save those changes and proceed to edit the page

Change the Page Theme

Depending on theme you've already selected, there are anywhere from four to six different layouts you can apply to each of your website's pages. Check out this short video about how a Weebly customer,, utilizes themes on their pages to achieve different looks.

If you're within your Pages tab (up near the top):

  1. ​Click on the page that you want to edit the theme for from the left-hand sidebar 

  2. Choose one of the template options denoted by icons that fits your needs:

    Tall Header option 

    Short Header option 

    No Header option 

    Landing Page option 

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